Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another Denial

Phew .. Over a year has passed since I have been contributing my pictures to National Geographic viewer section for their daily selection and not a single one published.

You would think I am crazy in thinking about a publication with NG. But it is a different story as NG has a viewer section where amateur viewers submit their pics and out of them, 12 pictures are selected daily.

I would have had no issues had all the pictures been worth. I dont say all are crap but some of them are so shit that you feel like jumping off the cliff, what with one bugger sending his passport size pic and the editor happily selecting that. There are many more examples to that.

By the virtue of the fact that I myself have been an amateur for some years now, I can at least make out if a particular pic is a bit worth. On the other hand, considering the other pics which have been published, comparison becomes all the more easy.

Yesterday I sent another pic which I thought could make it. But no !!!!

What to say !!!!