Monday, December 20, 2010
CWG Fiasco
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Rarest Of The Rare
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
To Be Or Not To Be
So, welcome another controversy in the CWG mess .. The Prince of Wales is coming down to open the Games instead of the Queen and the Indian Govt., at the 11th hour, is crazy and "sentimental" about the national pride for it wants the President of India to open the Games rather than the Prince.
Fair enough in the normal parlance, alright, but keeping in mind the CWG, I feel it is a move to divert the attention of the body politic from the mess the Government has made of the Games in general.
They are crying because in the present scenario, the Prince would open the Games and the President would stand beside him. There are a few things which are to be kept in mind in order to understand the whole thing. First of all, Indian Government knew this in advance. They didn't do a thing about that and are raising this issue now when there is not even a week left to officially open the Games. It would lead to nothing but would add more muck to already existing - Nothing but a diplomatic mess.
Secondly, I agree that it would be nice that the President opens the Games but we also have to understand the structure of the Commonwealth as an organization. Indian Government, and also the Indian people, are saying that letting the Prince open the Games is an indication of the colonial past, we are now about half a century ahead of the past and are well democratic and what not. The answer to this is that you cannot blow hot and cold in the same breath. The very existence of the Commonwealth is a relic of the colonial rule as all the members are former colonies and the Head of the Commonwealth is, by default, the Monarch of Great Britain or any appointed member of the Royal family -- Duke of Edinburgh was the Head of Commonwealth at a point of time and may be even now, I am not sure. By being a member of the Commonwealth, we are laden by ourselves with the memories of our past. If we are so particular about our independent existence and our sovereignty, it is better that we distance ourselves from the Commonwealth and cease to be a member. The day we do so, we are entitled to claim the authority of our President as of right. But till we are the members of Commonwealth, its better we stick to its protocol.
Thirdly, it is being said that if the Queen were coming, it would have been a different thing but now, as the Prince is coming, it is better we let our President do the needful and we should be strong enough to let our thoughts out. We should understand the capacity in which the Prince is coming and would be opening the CWG. He is coming as the REPRESENTATIVE OF THE QUEEN and would be reading the QUEEN'S MESSAGE !!! He is NOT opening the Games as the Prince of Wales, for God's Sake !!!! Technically, the representative has the similar status and the authority as the original incumbent. Its better that we understand the finer nuances rather than getting into small trifles.
Lastly, I was listening in a TV talk that if it were for the Queen to do the honors, WHY DID SHE NOT COME ?!? Did she have anything more important than to open the CWG ? Well, it is again a minor one as it is the tradition of the Royal families that every year, the events to come up are designated to various member of the royal household depending upon their seniority (The Prince of Wales is the senior most after the Monarch and his / her spouse, anyway) as the Monarch cannot attend each and every one of them. We should remember that Princess Elizabeth (Now Queen Elizabeth II) represented her father a number of times as his representative. And if, at all, we are concerned as to why the Queen did not come, it can be best answered by our Commonwealth Committee and their evident management of the CWG !!!
If our public understood the structure and nuances of the Organization, I am sure these minor questions would not have arisen at the verge of the opening of the CWG. They may think of me as devoid of national pride, but that is not the case. Along with my national pride, I would prefer and would request my fellow countrymen to give other its due share as well.
So, before being carried away, it is better to understand the structures rather than crying foul for no reason or, at least, when we have bigger reasons in front of us.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Animals And Humans
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
MPs' Raise In Salary
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Commonwealth Or Common Wealth
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Tale Of A Soldier
Friday, July 9, 2010
India and Kashmir
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Another Denial
You would think I am crazy in thinking about a publication with NG. But it is a different story as NG has a viewer section where amateur viewers submit their pics and out of them, 12 pictures are selected daily.
I would have had no issues had all the pictures been worth. I dont say all are crap but some of them are so shit that you feel like jumping off the cliff, what with one bugger sending his passport size pic and the editor happily selecting that. There are many more examples to that.
By the virtue of the fact that I myself have been an amateur for some years now, I can at least make out if a particular pic is a bit worth. On the other hand, considering the other pics which have been published, comparison becomes all the more easy.
Yesterday I sent another pic which I thought could make it. But no !!!!
What to say !!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sally Of Surrogacy
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Nice Evening
Monday, May 31, 2010
Planning Kills

It actually does. Don't you think that we spend hours and hours together in order to plan for a thing but the best moments do come out when unplanned. At least, I have seen so. I am talking about the photos that I have snapped and have been liked by people.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Under Her Wings
Monday, May 17, 2010
Colours and Racism
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Bangalore Saga
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday And Monday
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Office Works
Had a visit to the doc today for my throat problem. He asked me to get the throat swab culture again and if it is positive again, I might have to get the tonsil removed.
I wish I don't have to.